PVRIS in Denver – June 8, 2024

PVRIS started their world tour in the Europe, playing approximately sixteen shows between April and May, ending in London. The second leg baegan on June 1st in Santa Ana, CA, and they are currently touring until the middle of July. While the band brought many different support acts along for the tour, tonight they featured Sizzy Rocket and Pale Waves. Each act throughout the entirety of the tour brings some significance to the LGBTQ+ community and its social awareness.

Sizzy Rocket

Sizzy Rocket was the first on stage, starting at 7pm. I only caught about 10 minutes of her set, but her stage presence takes you in quickly. Between her voluminous, curly, long dark hair, the black fishnets and wearing an outfit you’d likely see someone wearing at a rave – though wearing it well and in a way that complimented her body, energy and personality – she was confident and had an “attitude” that most women in the world wish they had. Her overall style was different, “weird” as boring (normal) people would say. Her movements, sound, songs gave me very Lady Gaga feels. Not present day Lady Gaga, young and barely discovered “Gaga”. I was here for it. Sizzy Rocket is an openly gay woman who likes to sing a lot about girls and is not afraid to be herself. She also plays a very interesting instrument, which is a guitar but where the strings would be are piano keys. And she’s amazing at it. She’s someone I would suggest seeing live (partially for this reason), though if you have to wait more than maybe a week to give you the chance to then you need to listen to her through those speakers now.

Pale Waves

The supporting act was four a person English rock band called Pale Waves from Manchester. Pale Waves have been iconic in the alternative/indie music scene, by being who they know they are and encouraging everyone outside of their band to do the same. Lead singer Heather Baron-Gracie and drummer Ciara Doran are not only best friends and roommates but they’re both non-binary and gay, lead guitarist Hugo Silvani and bassist Charlie Wood are gay as well. They remind me a little bit of Flyleaf, except not religious and Heather’s voice is much softer and less angsty than Lacey’s. Though Pale Wave’s lighting was dim and dark and the band members weren’t jumping all over the stage, the rhythm amongst Heather’s beautiful vocals didn’t make you feel depressed or sad, but the complete opposite. I had never listened to the band before tonight nor had I heard of them before seeing the PVRIS tour announcement. I like waiting to see them live before listening to them beforehand, it’s so much more special. They also had a half hour block, which actually disappointed me when I realized it was their last song because I felt like the set was cut short and I was really enjoying them.


Lastly was of course PVRIS, the reason that Summit Music Hall was so packed – I’m pretty sure they sold out that show and I wasn’t surprised since they sold out quite a few stops on their tour already. I honestly have never seen that venue so packed. I’m not kidding – the little taped off areas on the main floor to keep a clear walking path for thru traffic was filled to the tape line. I should have taken a photo of it. There was hardly a space between the people in that section. The top portion was open and every seat was filled, people standing as overflow. The curtains that opened up the side spaces on the main floor were pulled back and each step to the filled platform up was also occupied. Though people seemed comfortable with it like it was just enough standing room and the vibes were happy, loving and respectful so who cared? While everyone waited for the band to come out everyone was conversing with each other, and I mean people making conversations with people they didn’t even come with.

At 9pm PVRIS finally comes out and I swear I have never heard a crowd cheer as loud as this. It made me wonder how loud and long it traveled down the streets of the city. The love that poured for them as they each took the stage, Lyn coming out last and setting the crowd off even more. Pure insanity, in the best way. They started the set off with Good Enemy and then went straight into Animal. They played a handful of songs from each of their albums, most fan favorites (mine at least), as well. The whole crowd was dancing and shouting every word to every song. Lyn was like a Goddess – she owned the stage, shared love for her fans, the LGBTQ+ community, pride week, and DENVER!!! As she would say the cities name repeatedly and proudly throughout the hour and fifteen minute long set, showing love and making the crowd go crazy just as much as the last time she’d said it. She was adorable, incredible – so powerful and positive and the crowd loved everything about her, they ate up her energy and I’d never seen anything like it before.

Throughout their set I would float around to various areas and I would hear fans say things like, “I just love her so much”, “She’s so good”, “I’ve seen them *insert number here* times and they’re always so good”. Not one negative comment. Even down the street as they walked to their cars just buzzed about how good they were. Lyn herself rated the show a twelve out of ten, mid set. I’ve always wanted to see PVRIS live. I remember the first time I heard them was over the Hot Topic radio when I used to be an assistant manager there back in 2014. It was St Patrick off the album they had just released, White Noise. They instantly became my favorite band outside of any that I had grown up with in high school several years back. The first year I saw them announce a tour, I purchased a ticket and I didn’t end up going (I was so anxious), last year I had prior engagements and this year I finally made it. And the best part is, I got to tell a story doing what I love and do best and because of that my first time seeing them that much more special. I went into this show with high expectations for production and performance which of course PVRIS exceeded and are a group that I can no longer miss whenever they come around. I can’t wait to catch them again next year, with or without a photo pass.

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