Album Review:
Citizen Zero

State Of Mind
August 2016


You need to buy this album.

I could end this review right here. I find this band so appealing that I don’t feel the need to back up my statement with reasons why you should to buy this album. However if you would like more reasons then please read on.

unnamedCitizen zero is an alternative rock band from the Detroit, Michigan area. They are a band of brothers (literally) who have been together since childhood and formally started the band in 2010. Matt, John and Greg Dudley, along with Josh Mayle gained popularity and high profile gigs (including piquing the interest of Kid Rock’s recording engineer). Then tragically, they lost their brother Matt.

They decided to replace him with Sammy Boller and continue working on music in his honor, and they sure did him justice! The lead singer, Josh Mayle, has an incredible voice. They sound like a veteran rock group, I would not guess that they were so new to the scene.

The album, State Of Mind, is 11 songs long and full of amazing tracks. A lot of the songs have the same formula. Slower verses, kicking things up a notch for the chorus. A very repetitive chorus that someone (say myself) could learn quickly and sing along with. A few songs are heavy on back up singers, and that really gives it a full bodied sound.

I usually like to pick a few favorite tracks and explain why I like them. I like all 11 songs. The lyrics are great. The music is fantastic. The vocals are exceptional. From start to finish, I have nothing but positives to say.

Check out this band and let me know if you agree or disagree with me!

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