Lamb of God Released Cover of Megadeth’s “Wake Up Dead” Featuring Megadeth – April 2022

This weekend, the second installment of The Metal Tour of the Year begins. After crushing their way across the US last summer, Megadeth, Lamb of God, and Trivium are at it again. Joining them this time is In Flames, who had been scheduled for the tour last year, but had to drop out due to international travel issues during the pandemic.
As part of a celebration of the time Megadeth and Lamb of God are spending together, LoG has covered the Megadeth classic, “Wake up Dead.” The four members of Megadeth, Dave Mustaine, Kiko Loureiro, Dirk Verbeuren and James LoMenzo are all featured on the track in one form or another.
It’s definitely a fun cover, hearing Lamb of God’s heavier take on the tune. One wonders if Dave will make an appearance with the band at any of the stops on the tour to play it. Check out the tune below! Don’t miss The Metal Tour of the Year, beginning April 9th in Las Vegas, NV before wrapping May 19th in Quebec City, QC, Canada.