Dorothy Brings Gifts From the Holy Ghost to Boston – April 20, 2022

LA hard rock band Dorothy took over Paradise Rock Club on Wednesday night, on an evening filled with energy and pure rock and roll. The atmosphere of the venue was perfect for Dorothy’s tour setup: raw and stripped down.

Classless Act 

The night would start early with California based Classless Act taking the growing crowd by storm. With a blast of energy the band made a clear statement, with both the music and the showmanship. The sound is fresh, yet still reminiscent of classic hard rock, clearly notable on their self titled single “Classless Act”. The band certainly won the crowd over during their short, but powerful set. 

Joyous Wolf

There was barely any breathing room for the audience to recover before Joyous Wolf erupted onto the stage. If you’ve never experienced this band live, you should. The Orange County band has an explosive presence, and a rocking sound to go with it. With tracks like “Quiet Heart”, “Mother Rebel”, and their latest single “Fearless”, Joyous Wolf kept the audience on their toes. Lead singer Nick Reese is known for his powerful vocals as well as his stage antics, and this time would be no exception. Reese jumped into the crowd, ran around, greeted fans, and jumped back onto the stage, and the audience was loving it. 


It was now time for Dorothy to take over. The atmosphere was of massive anticipation, as the crowd got closer to the barricade, whiskey in hand. As the lights went down, singer Dorothy Martin emerged in all black leather, going straight for the gut with “Down to the Bottom”. The simplicity of the setup made it clear that the audience was in for pure, raw rock and roll, evident in tracks such as ‘Raise Hell” and “Medicine Man”. The audience also got to hear “Rest In Peace”, the newest single out of Dorothy’s upcoming album, Gifts From The Holy Ghost, as well as a stunning cover of Eurythmics‘ “Sweet Dreams”. 

The intimate setting that Paradise Rock Club provides was perfect for Dorothy’s brand of rowdy rock and roll, a much needed breath of fresh air to the genre. Alongside supporting acts Classless Act and Joyous Wolf, the Gifts From The Holy Ghost tour reminds us that rock is most definitely not dead, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.   

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